With a decorative ring
Research has shown that people can more easily learn a new language at a younger age. A new study extends this phenomenon to the language of marketing. In speed-of-recognition tests on college students and senior citizens, researchers found that exposure to brand names at younger ages increased brand familiarity in the present. Even brand names that had been extinct for decades were recognized more quickly among seniors than newer brands. According to the authors, “the current findings indicate that there should be a considerable advantage to acquainting children with brand names, even if the products in question are ones they will not purchase or be interested in until later in life.”
{ The Boston Globe }
photo { Cass Bird }
I said he’s a fairy, I do suppose, fly through the air in pantyhose
{ The Barbarian Group and McLeod, Biomimetic Butterflies, 2007 }
By the time I reached my senior year in 1997, my experience with the internet was limited to poking around on AOL while I was home for Christmas. (…)
Seven and a half years ago, Benjamin Palmer (CEO of The Barbarian Group) approached me and asked if I would be interested in starting a company with him. (…)
Our first job was for Nike (through Wieden + Kennedy). Our second, Volkswagen (through Arnold Worldwide). Not too shabby for a start-up working out of Benjamin’s apartment. Ever since then, its been success after success. We received a ton of press, a ton of awards, and never had to go searching for clients.
{ Robert Hodgin | Continue reading | Related: Flint C++ framework }