
airports and planes

Women are a universal problem in our business

Valise I have a particular fancy for


Transportation Security Administration
Service Animals

It is recommended that persons using an animal for assistance carry appropriate identification. Identification may include: cards or documentation, presence of a harness or markings on the harness, or other credible assurance of the passenger using the animal for their disability. (…)

Monkey Helpers

When a service monkey is being transported in a carrier, the monkey must be removed from the carrier by the handler prior to screening,

The service monkey must be controlled by the handler throughout the screening process.

The service monkey handler should carry the monkey through the walk through metal detector while the monkey remains on a leash.

When the handler and service monkey go through the walk through metal detector and the detector alarms, both the handler and the monkey must undergo additional screening.

Since service monkeys may likely draw attention, the handler will be escorted to the physical inspection area where a table is available for the monkey to sit on. Only the handler will touch or interact with the service monkey.

Security Officers have been trained to not touch the service monkey during the screening process.

Security Officers will conduct a visual inspection on the service monkey and will coach the handler on how to hold the monkey during the visual inspection.

The inspection process may require that the handler to take off the monkey’s diaper as part of the visual inspection.

{ TSA.gov | Continue reading }

I could fly through the air and stick to the wall


{ Mr. Toth has built a precise replica of a first-class cabin from a Pan Am World Airways 747 in the garage of his two-bedroom condo in Redondo Beach, Calif. The setup includes almost everything fliers in the late 1970s and 1980s would have found onboard: pairs of red-and-blue reclining seats, original overhead luggage bins and a curved, red-carpeted staircase. | Wall Street Journal | Continue reading }

Global 2. This is the Chicago Center watch supervisor. Please understand we’re doing everything we can.


The European Union is funding ambitious programs aimed at monitoring human behavior in an effort to identify deviance and pick out potential terrorists. The implications for privacy are myriad. (…)

One system involves a network of cameras in airports that can measure your speed and alert the control room should it seem excessive. The system knows terrorists tend to be nervous and almost never stop for coffee. This makes a speedy traveller a suspicious traveller.

You may also want to think twice about using the airport bathroom more than once. There is a good chance you will be picked out for an extensive security check.

{ Der Spiegel | Continue reading }
