
Every day, the same, again


A man has been banned from a public park after he allegedly tried to have sex with a tree.

Artificial hymens sold $38 at China border.

Man arrested after he tried to break into jail.

Travolta flies aid, scientologists to Haiti.

eHarmony forced to merge gay, straight dating sites In discrimination lawsuit.

We’re working twice as much than we’re supposed to be working for half the money. 24% of workers say they no longer feel loyal to their current employer and 19% plan to move to a new job this year.
Ripping apart smart-phones reveals their true cost.

What makes a man take credit for a crime he didn’t commit?

Handshake is the universal greeting of peace and goodwill. But youngsters are kissing goodbye to traditional social etiquette, killing off the handshake, researchers say.

Early risers are more proactive than evening people.

What your sleep position says about you.

Losing sleep, losing brain? The more severe the sleeping problems of insomniacs, the less grey matter density they have in the region involved in pleasantness evaluation, which may also be important for the recognition of optimal comfort to fall asleep.

The 7 psychological principles of scams: protect yourself by learning the techniques.

People choose TV news based on which channels are more likely to agree with their pre-existing opinions and they have a tendency to filter for information that confirms, rather than challenges, what we believe.

dd.jpgSingle cells in the monkey brain encode abstract mathematical concepts.

A Swedish study concludes that children with a high IQ have a reduced risk of mortality as adults.

Brain size predicts success at video games.

Ageing may cloud financial judgement, thanks to “noise” in an area of the brain critical for predicting pay-offs.

Playing Mozart music to premature babies seems to help them gain weight faster and become stronger, new research found.

How a lack of control leads to superstition.

Can a single machine solve the complex problem of scanning cargo containers for conventional and nuclear weapons?

Caucasians and Asians don’t examine faces in the same way, according to new research.

The tobacco in cigarettes hosts a bacterial bonanza — literally hundreds of different germs, including those responsible for many human illnesses, a new study finds.

Does information about calories reduce calorie consumption? Yes.

Some scientists are convinced life is common in the universe, but intelligence rare. As for how long civilisations last - and stay detectable - few are willing to hazard a guess.

Why we should not return to the Moon.

The disappearing snows of Everest.

Underwater mushrooms?

A library of the world’s most unusual compounds.

Ten plants that put meat on their plates. In addition to the well-known Venus flytrap, many other plant species feed on bugs or crustaceans

Ten venture capitalist predictions for 2010.

How we will (or won’t) survive without newspaper.

In his brief essay The Irritable Chess Players of 1985, Primo Levi elaborates a set of symmetries between the act of literary creation and the playing of a game of chess.

Ozzy Osbourne: “Well, believe me, I didn’t sit down and put pen to fucking paper. I’d still be writing the first page. I got a ghostwriter.”

The literary masters of misery who delight in desolation.

A criminal investigation is pending against the artist Shepard Fairey in connection with his use of an Associated Press photograph of Barack Obama.

Miramax closes its doors.

Spike Jonze’s new short film trailer. Unrelated: Shark in Venice trailer.

wb.jpgNew York City has highest life expectancy in recorded city history, new data show.

A woman taking an adult education class at the Met accidentally lost her balance and fell into a rare Rose Period Picasso, tearing the canvas about six inches along its lower right-hand corner.

For night riders, finding peace on sleepy streets.

The evolution of skateboarding in New York City.

The Wall Street Ex-Wives Club.

Did you know that something like 85 percent of women are wearing the wrong size bra?

How do women bargain differently?

The 3 Facebook settings every user should check now. Realted: Conversation with a Facebook employee.

The 6 most statistically full of shit professions.

Movie misquotations.

Most labels are misleading, sometimes grossly so.

When a toilet atop the Sears Tower is flushed, do the contents fall 110 floors?

How to catch an iphone thief.

How to make your own bedbug detector.

Party rats. Ideal for night blogging.

Urinal cascade.

Coway electronic bidets “love your tush”…
