
Every day, the same, again

n.jpgNY dairy farmer kills 51 cows then turns gun on himself, ending his own life.

Four children found living in feces. Investigators claim they found no food inside the home except a single pack of Raman Noodles.

The Indonesian government has apologised to a woman who lost her leg when a military rocket slammed into her house after a test launch.

Crowbar assault in maggot farm raid.

People in the funeral industry estimate that around 1 percent of cremated remains are not claimed.

Woman sues Metra after toilet explodes on train. She used a toilet on the train, and upon flushing, the contents exploded out and “splattered” her, the suit claims.

Bestiality ban in Netherlands. In a 2007 survey, the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.

New Zealand teenager auctioned her virginity online for $32,000 to raise tuition money. More than 1,200 made bids.

Mystery of hanged man’s corpse is revealed.

Britain and the US face a new al-Qaeda terror threat from so-called suicide body bombers with explosives surgically inserted inside them. Related: Intelligence officials say al-Qaeda will try to attack U.S. in next 6 months.

In the midst of two wars and the fight against Al Qaeda, the CIA is offering operatives a chance to peddle their expertise to private companies on the side — a policy that gives financial firms and hedge funds access to the nation’s top-level intelligence talent.

Related: A humanitarian mission to aid Haitian earthquake victims turned into a major embarrassment in Puerto Rico on Friday as pictures emerged of doctors drinking, mugging for cameras and brandishing firearms amid the victims’ suffering.

Singapore gets ready to open its first casinos.

ks.jpgAIG plans to pay $100 million in another round of bonuses.

Greedy appraisers, who put lofty valuations on properties to please lenders and line their pockets, played a large role in the housing bubble. Are they the new organized crime?

In the next industrial revolution, atoms are the new bits.

Google economist explains why you won’t pay for online news.

What happened to Second Life?

Video games by the numbers.

Controversy rages over robot vasectomy reversal in Florida.

Need an artery? just print one out.

Why do human testicles hang like that? Related: On the origin of descended scrotal testicles [PDF]

Why I don’t have a girlfriend: An application of the Drake Equation to love in the UK [PDF]

Do humans and even monkeys tend to rationalize their choices?

Asexual organisms are extremely rare. But bdelloid rotifers have been reproducing without sex for millions of years. And now, researchers say they can explain how the tiny creatures have pulled it off for so long.

Painful memories that cause distress could soon be a thing of the past. Recent studies suggest memories can be manipulated, edited - and even deleted.

5.jpgPhysicist discovers how to teleport energy.

Moon may have formed in natural nuclear explosion, according to a new theory of lunar formation.

What actually gets taught on a homeopathy course.

In search of the world’s hardest language.

Virginia Woolf’s mental illness may have defined her craft.

Madness Manifest: Creativity, Art and the Margins of Mental Health.

Writers have been imagining the end of the world since soon after it began, but today’s practitioners deliver a new kind of bleakness.

In the hope that you might consider bringing your much-rumoured memoir to The House of Eliot … An open letter to Morrissey.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Resume.

This issue of the Annual Review of Critical Psychology mobilises an exploration and consideration of the utility of Lacan’s psychoanalysis for critical psychology in particular, and for critical research/theory/practice in general.

Among its crimes against humanity, Nazi Germany may have stolen more than five million cultural objects from the countries it conquered, including thousands of the world’s greatest artistic masterpieces. As the American and British armies and their allies began pushing back onto the Continent, an unusual front-line military unit with too few men and too little equipment accompanied them—members of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives section (MFAA).

Times Square may have been Disneyfied, but it’s still home to the dirtiest hotel in New York.

A short history of restaurant criticism in New York.

New York City’s 5th annual pillow fight, Saturday, April 3, 2010.

Wearing me: a tale of T-shirt.

The fake freeway sign that became a real public service.

The membrane separating advertising and content has been torn.

What Was Advertising? The Invention, Rise, Demise, and Disappearance of Advertising Concepts in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe and America [PDF]

hc.jpgWhen doing the right thing could backfire.

How to be successful, famous, and wrong.

Secrets of the Tokyo underground.

Mythogeography: A Guide to Walking Sideways, a guide book that accompanies the rediscovery of slowly traversed space.

Next stop on the Viagra World Sex Tour: Finland.

Michael Jackson commemorative logo.

The 6 weirdest things women do to their vaginas.

Trucker’s delight [video/NSFW]

