
Every day, the same, again

ft.jpgThief commits robbery armed with a cup of coffee.

Drunken man steals ambulance with patient inside.

12-year-old girl from Queens was led out of her school in handcuffs after she was caught doodling on her desk with an erasable marker.

Naked rambler Stephen Gough has been jailed for a total of 21 months after he was arrested seconds after walking free from an earlier jail term. Gough has become notorious for trying to walk around Britain naked. Related: H Get naked: It’s good for your brain.

Alexander McQueen is dead.

In the next 24 hours, more than 150,000 individual humans will become extinct. But it’s not just humans who are being lost. Is extinction in your future?

Report shows severity of China’s pollution.

How financial innovation causes bubbles.

How does Facebook make overt self obsession ok?

The future of gaming: The hot potato experience. The next generation of pervasive games are beginning to appear.

The robots are coming but are we ready for them? Developments in the field of robotics are accelerating us towards a bio-mechanical future. But if robots are to plug safely into society, we must start thinking about the rules of interaction today.

Mobile phones’ impact on health. Related: How Pong works reducing cell phone radiation. [Thanks Glenn!]

Should we clone Neanderthals?

The perverse pleasure of musical pain.

Statistical analysis of graffiti found at the University of Chicago Library.

Do other New Yorkers know about the “Library Walk” on East 41st Street?

New exhibition at the Museum of Sex, “Rubbers: The Life, History & Struggle of the Condom.”

William Faulkner appears to have drawn the names of characters and other inspiration from a Mississippi plantation diary just discovered by scholars.

Does awe, or something else, move you to e-mail articles? [Read more]

A new technique for analyzing early English texts is gradually revealing the history of the apostrophe.

Nasty pets.

The new Diesel “Be Stupid” posters are now all over Manhattan.

Duchamp owns everything.
