‘The knowledge of good and evil is nothing else but the emotions of pleasure or pain, in so far as we are conscious thereof.’ –Spinoza
7. The Law of Hedonic Asymmetry
There are certain awful circumstances to which we can never become accustomed. If things are bad enough, it is impossible to escape negative feelings like fear or anxiety. On the other hand positive emotions always fade over time. No matter how much we are in love, how big the lottery win, or how copious the quantities of drugs consumed, positive emotions like pleasure always slip away.8. The Law of Conservation of Emotional Momentum
Time doesn’t heal all wounds - or if it does, it only does so indirectly. Events can retain their emotional power over the years unless we re-experience and re-evaluate them. It’s this re-experiencing and consequent re-definition that reduces the emotional charge of an event. This is why events that haven’t been re-evaluated - say, failing an exam or being rejected by a potential lover - retain their emotional power across the decades.