Every day, the same, again

318.jpgAn underwear company designed a range of pants using chemical warfare technology to filter your farts.

Gal finds success as a male model.

12% of the respondents said they would pay a home’s full market value or more if they believed a house was haunted.

The “good” partners’ faces proved to be represented differently in the brain from those of the “bad” partners.

New drug reduces negative memory.

Marc Umile, calendar calculator; Moira Jones, super-recogniser… People with extreme abilities.

Are You What You Read or Do You Read What You Are?

Variation in women’s mating strategies depicted in the works and words of Jane Austen. [PDF]

How IBM is making computers more like your brain.

A Camera That Captures Scent Instead of Sights.

The battle to destroy Wikipedia’s biggest sockpuppet army.

Friends of friends = strangers.

Before going public, Twitter is already funneling money through shady Cayman Islands companies.

Today 4chan is more popular than ever.

Whether a gallery discloses the price of a work can depend on who you are and why you want to know.

Keeping Breaking Bad on the air was a big investment. Shooting the show cost about $3 million per episode in 2010, and $3.5 million per episode in its final season. The Economics of a Hit TV Show.

What economists and marketers are learning from newly accessible consumer data.

Transcript of a 1972 conversation between Foucault and Deleuze.

What do cats see?

Actual Business Name.

A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia.

My friend is upset because one of her OCD pills is backward.