
Every day, the same, again [Jambalaya!]

e1.jpgMagician rushed to hospital after spending more than 64 hours as a human ice cube to break a world endurance record.

73-year-old Russian farmer convicted of planting landmines around his field to ward off trespassers. He was concerned about the frequent theft of potatoes from his farm.

Scuba divers chase Google Street View car away with pitch forks in Norway. [More pics and on Google Street]

Big tree carved into a male phallus pops up in Tempe, AZ neighborhood.

Rio’s chronic lack of public bathrooms, copious amounts of beer and the general carefree abandon of Carnival conspire to create rivers of urine that can shock the uninitiated.

Walter Fredrick Morrison, the man credited with inventing the Frisbee, dies at 90. Related [August, 2002]: Eccentric Frisbee inventor Ed Hendrick dies at 78, requesting that his ashes are made into commemorative flying discs.

Man claiming to have AIDS used a hypodermic needle to hold up a Minneapolis bank. [Thanks JW!]

A Web designer is hawking square inches of an empty lot in Detroit for a dollar each to show what can be done with vacant spaces.

From 2007:Did you read about the Zimbabwean female athlete who has a penis, a vagina, and a last name of Sithole?

e2.jpgBBC presenter decides to admit that he killed a guy a while ago.

Letters chronicling an adulterous affair between JFK and a Swedish babe up for auction.

For the truth is that lack of fiscal discipline isn’t the whole, or even the main, source of Europe’s troubles — not even in Greece, whose government was indeed irresponsible.

Interview with Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

Is the recession over?

Banking compensation around the world.

Today’s young artists are having to make ends meet with day jobs. Related: Annie Leibovitz is selling limited editions and weighing book deals in an effort to regain control of her homes and the copyrights to her work.

The ten most expensive pieces of art ever sold.

Neuroscientists discover brain area responsible for fear of losing money.

New research finds a sense of purpose developed during college years sticks with you and helps shape adult behavior.

New clue why autistic people don’t want hugs.

The 10 most destructive human behaviors.

lg.jpgTwo interpretations of human evolution: Essentialism and Darwinism. [PDF]

It’s time for a study of the immune system on a grand scale, something akin to the Human Genome Project.

How many Americans are immune to H1N1?

The role of quasars in galaxy formation.

A NASA scientist answers the top 20 questions about 2012.

No, Google doesn’t intend to become a national Internet Service Provider, despite its new plan to build a number of optical networks to serve homes and businesses at up to one gigabit-per-second. 

Google may be earning an alleged $500 million a year via companies and individuals who register deceptive website addresses. The claim centres on a controversial scheme known as “typosquatting”, the practice of registering a misspelled variant of a popular web domain.

Comparing and analysing the correlation between food choice, health outcomes, and population characteristics.

How to pinpoint the world’s best cheese?

How to choose a sushi restaurant.

How dangerous are Tasers?

How to swear in French. [let me just correct a couple of typos: Je m’en fous, Connasse, Casse-toi]

How to make small-scale super-realistic Model landscapes.

How to promote nail polish.

If you’ve ever wanted to see the interior of the Guggenheim Museum in its pristine state, now’s the time. There isn’t a painting in sight. [Thanks JJ!]

Jerry Saltz and Roberta Smith, two of the most powerful art critics in New York, spent Valentine’s Day together seeing a few art shows—nothing out of the ordinary for the couple.

A section of Time Out New York has articles on finding strippers and getting checked for sexually transmitted diseases.

My night with a prosti-dude.

World’s strangest aphrodisiacs.

Kant on the Beautiful: The Interest in Disinterestedness. [PDF]

e3.jpgOne of the questions I get all the time is about the economics of the book: How much did it sell, what was your advance, what did it cost to produce. Bookonomics (or, why writers barely make min. wage).

Behind the breakthrough magic of Walt Disney’s first animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and his other 30s and 40s classics—Pinocchio, Fantasia, Bambi—toiled as many as 100 young women, the inkers and painters, working from dawn to dusk on thousands of cels that brought his dreams to life.

High speed videography of mosquitoes.

They are both really named Andrew. What is impressive is that they’ve been dressing identically for almost 10 years. [About page]

The term Guerrilla marketing was coined and defined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his book Guerrilla Marketing.

Astroturfing is a term referring to political, advertising, or public relations campaigns that are formally planned by an organization, but designed to mask its origins to create the impression of being spontaneous.

A history of the threesome on tv, in movies, and in life.

Sex doll with reloadable hymen. [via copyranter]

Witchcraft, satanism, occult. Need help out?

Mount Rushmore from the other side.

Celebrities upside down.

Weatherman attacked by pelican. [video]

Eulogy for Things Left Unsaid. [video]
