
Anne, ma sœur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir ? Je ne vois rien que le soleil qui poudroie, et l’herbe qui verdoie.

They’re torturing themselves now, which is kind of fun to see. They’re afraid that their little AIs are going to come for them. They’re apocalyptic, and so existential, because they have no connection to real life and how things work. They’re afraid the AIs are going to be as mean to them as they’ve been to us. […]

What happened to the cigarette companies will eventually happen to the social media companies. They’ve had all the research for 20 years, and they’ve been knowingly saying this stuff is not harmful when they know it to be harmful.

{ Doug Rushkoff | Continue reading | More: Doug Rushkoff Is Ready to Renounce the Digital Revolution }
