
Hello Kitty

Death Valley heat melts skin off a man’s feet after he lost his flip-flops in the dunes. To make matters worse, the temperatures made the air too thin for a helicopter to fly in and help him.

A Swiss Town Banned Billboards. Zurich, Bern May Soon Follow The trend toward ad-free cities poses a risk to the outdoor advertising industry, worth an estimated 400 million Swiss francs ($450 million) and contributing almost twice as much per year to the country’s $885 billion GDP. Markus Ehrle, the industry association’s president, said that money would instead “flow to big internet companies like Google or Meta,” adding that “ads online are much more energy-intensive than billboards.”

We bought everything needed to make fentanyl - for $3,600. At the tap of a buyer’s smartphone, Chinese chemical sellers will air-ship fentanyl ingredients door-to-door to North America. Reuters purchased enough to make 3 million pills.

water triggers our parasympathetic nervous system, helping our body rest and digest […] explains why so many people find joy and solace in water-related activities. […] Whether you’re planning a refreshing dip, a leisurely stroll along the coastline or a run along a canal, it’s crucial to know how to stay safe. following these five simple steps are highly effective

Could humans run on water?

Across languages, the species–typical vocalization by domestic cats (Felis catus silvestris) is transcribed similarly, typically corresponding to [miau:] or [wau:]. Such consistent and ubiquitous cross-linguistic transcription is apparently onomatopoetic. However, in humans, these qualities make unique use of the tongue; in comparison, most nonhuman mammals do not appear to employ their tongues while vocalizing.

“Hello Kitty is not a cat” (Jill Cook, Director of retail business development at Sanrio) Previously: alternative facts are not facts
