

Embers of autoregression show how large language models are shaped by the problem they are trained to solve: next-word prediction over Internet text

We quantify the extent of crypto tax noncompliance and evasion, and assess the efficacy of alternative tax enforcement interventions. The context of the study is Norway. [PDF]

Sixteenth-century Venice conducted its affairs in code, so much so that cryptology was professionalized and regulated by the state

Under Roman law, subjects found guilty of patricide were subjected to poena cullei, the “penalty of the sack” — they were sewn into a leather sack with a snake, a cock, a monkey, and a dog and thrown into water.

We now have the power to genetically modify entire species by inserting certain genes into them with brute force. Doing this to malaria-carrying mosquitoes could allow us to wipe out humanity’s most deadly killer.

Is Discovery Inevitable or Serendipitous?
