nonhuman artist
Researchers Use AI To Turn Sound Recordings Into Accurate Street Images
Facial expressions of pain can be predicted from brain activity
Bird Flu Virus Is One Mutation Away from Binding More Efficiently to Human Cells
Applicants for all kinds of government posts say they have been asked about their thoughts on Jan. 6 and who they believe won the 2020 election. [NY Times]
OnlyFans is now accessible in China
2016: In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA (Are CIA-backed Syrian Rebels Really Fighting Pentagon-backed Syrian Rebels?)
Film studios now add CGI effects to behind the scenes footage to hide how much CGI has been used to make the film. Ozempic is a modified, synthetic version of a protein discovered in the venomous saliva of the Gila monster, a large, sluggish lizard native to the United States. More: 52 things I learned in 2024
Oldies bu goldies: This story describes a relationship between a teenage girl and an adult man. It is very explicit. [audio, 2021]
A liar who always lies says “All my hats are green.” Can we conclude that he has some hats?