
Reinforcement Learning

A state senator in Mississippi has filed a bill entitled the “Contraception Begins at Erection Act.” […] the bill would make it “unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.”

The new science of menopause — Researchers are exploring how to prolong ovarian life and revisiting hormone replacement therapy

How People React to the Termination of an Intimate Relationship […] we identified 79 possible reactions […] Our research suggests that the staying partners are likely to respond in three primary ways: They may experience sadness and depression, accept the situation and attempt to move on, and/or engage in physical and psychological aggression toward their partners. These reactions may manifest in the form of at least 13 more specific reactions, which in turn may manifest in at least 79 specific emotional and behavioral reactions.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation involving denial or distortion of another person’s perspective, often under the guise of emotional support. Little is known about how to detect and measure gaslighting in naturalistic interactions. We describe a method and open-source software application for classifying gaslighting in language samples of any length.

Self-control—the ability to pursue long-term goals over short-term temptations—is a critical faculty of human cognition, but the cognitive processes enabling self-control are not well understood. Traditional models have focused on impulse inhibition: effortfully inhibiting prepotent motor responses towards a temptation, yielding a stage-based evolution of choice. Other models emphasize dynamic competition between goal and temptation, yielding a more integrative evolution of choice. […] We investigate these models using mouse-tracking: a dynamic, real-time measure of decision-making in which we measure participants’ computer mouse movements as they navigate tradeoffs between immediate and delayed gratification […] find evidence for both impulse inhibition and dynamic competition. Notably, impulse inhibition is less frequent

according to a new study, men around the world have gained height and weight twice as fast as women over the past century, driving greater differences between the sexes. […] women were on average 1.7cm taller and 2.7kg heavier, while men were 4cm taller and 6.5kg heavier

The number of exceptional people: Fewer than 85 per 1 million across key traits

Earth’s magnetic north pole is on the move, scientists just updated its position

Hyperloop was teased by Elon Musk at a 2012 speaking event, and described as a “fifth mode of transport” […] Hyperloop One declared bankruptcy and ceased operations on 31 December 2023

What is data annotation, bounding boxes, polygon annotations, or semantic segmentation; In the U.S., sites often offer around $20 per hour for tasks such as labeling photos and completing writing exercises; difference between Supervised Fine-Tuning and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

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