She graduated from high school with honors but can’t read or write. Now she’s suing
Just Five Days of Junk Food Can Throw Off Your Brain’s Metabolism
Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
Americans who earn more than $150,000 are almost twice as likely to leave windows uncovered as those making $20,000 to $29,000, according to a large 2013 study for the U.S. Department of Energy […] Slowly, uncovered windows have become a status symbol
OpenAI CEO is ‘out of GPUs’ … Altman said that GPT-4.5, which he described as “giant” and “expensive,” will require “tens of thousands” more GPUs before additional ChatGPT users can gain access.
Trying out gpt-4.5. What do you think? No progress for years on questions that require actual thinking.
Chinese scientists have revealed the technology behind the world’s first geosynchronous orbit synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite, giving China a permanent view of one-third of the Earth’s surface […] launched in August 2023 […] It continuously monitors the Asia-Pacific region from an altitude of 36,000km […] high, stable radar emissions that can penetrate cloud cover and darkness while maintaining relatively high resolution
Give a group of scientists the same data and the same research question, and they should come up with similar answers—in theory. But they don’t
Virtual reality rewrites rules of the swarm — present knowledge of the rules that govern the emergence of such complex, patterned behavior and decision-making is based on a handful of theoretical models that recapitulate only some aspects of the observed behavioral patterns. […] When reared alone, desert locusts tend to avoid one another and exhibit cryptic behavior, presumably to avoid attracting the attention of predators. Yet after only a few hours of crowding, they switch to being attracted to other locusts, forming jostling aggregations that then transition suddenly into marching bands. These groups behave as if they are of a single mind, yet there are no leader locusts or any hierarchy of control. Instead, collective behavior arises from interactions among individual locusts.
An estimated 230 billion shrimp of various species are alive in farms at any given moment — compared to the 779 million pigs, 1.55 billion cattle, 33 billion chickens, and 125 billion farmed fish. Shrimp are harvested at around 6 months of age, which puts the estimated number slaughtered annually for human consumption at 440 billion. that’s more than four times the number of humans who have ever walked the earth. At sea, the numbers are even more staggeringly shrimpy. Globally, 27 trillion shrimp are caught in the wild every year, compared to 1.5 trillion fish. These numbers wouldn’t matter if shrimp didn’t have the internal experience associated with suffering, but a growing body of evidence suggests that they do. A comprehensive review commissioned by the U.K. government found strong evidence of sentience in decapods, which includes shrimp, lobsters, prawns, and crabs. Evidence was particularly strong in true crabs. Crabs can learn. They can make trade-offs and act to protect themselves in flexible, complex ways. Everything we know about the structure of their brains suggests that they feel pain. While shrimp have been studied less extensively, the evidence suggests that they have similar capabilities. […] In modern shrimp farming, life begins in a hatchery born to a mother who has endured one of the industry’s most severe practices: eyestalk ablation.
What happened on February 26th? Related: Instagram is considering the launch of a separate app for its short-form video feature, Reels […] Meta previously tried out a standalone video-sharing app called Lasso in 2018, with the goal of competing with TikTok, but the app did not gain much traction and the company later shut it down.