Shark Skin
A new part of the immune system has been discovered and it is a goldmine of potential antibiotics
Previous research shows that emotion-inducing prompts can elevate “anxiety” in LLMs, affecting behavior and amplifying biases. Here, we found that traumatic narratives increased Chat-GPT-4’s reported anxiety
Burds, cows, cats, rats. H5N1 is spreading
Mimicking Shark Skin to Create Clean Cutting Boards
Kummerspeck: a German word for weight that one puts on due to stress eating. Ageotori: a Japanese word for the particular way one sometimes looks worse after a haircut. Shemomedjamo: a Georgian word meaning “to accidentally eat the whole thing.” Tingo: a Rapa Nui word meaning “to eventually steal all of your neighbor’s possessions by borrowing and never returning them.” Aspaldiko: Basque. The joy that comes from catching up with someone you haven’t seen for a long time. Mondegreen: English, coined in the twentieth century to describe the mistaken lyrics one habitually attributes to a misheard song (and which one sometimes prefers to the real lyrics). Can language describe everything we feel—and should it?