
For from this fact alone it arises that the mind afterwards conceiving the said thing is affected with the emotion of pleasure or pain, that is, according as the power of the mind and body may be increased or diminished


In recent years, economists and psychologists have joined forces to unravel the secrets of human happiness. “The Happiness Equation” is one researcher’s attempt to share his field’s discoveries with a broad audience. Nick Powdthavee, an economist at the University of York, deftly explains the main determinants of happiness: the small effect of money, the great effect of marriage and friends, the massive effect of personality. Even extremely good news (such as winning the lottery) and extremely bad news (such as losing a spouse) rarely changes an individual’s happiness for more than a couple of years. Mr. Powdthavee also explores the effect of happiness on success: Happiness today predicts higher job performance, better relationships and more years of health in the future.

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photo { Louis Stettner, Christmas Eve, Ile Saint-Louis, 1950 }

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