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I said he’s a fairy, I do suppose, fly through the air in pantyhose


{ The Barbarian Group and McLeod, Biomimetic Butterflies, 2007 }


By the time I reached my senior year in 1997, my experience with the internet was limited to poking around on AOL while I was home for Christmas. (…)

Seven and a half years ago, Benjamin Palmer (CEO of The Barbarian Group) approached me and asked if I would be interested in starting a company with him. (…)

Our first job was for Nike (through Wieden + Kennedy). Our second, Volkswagen (through Arnold Worldwide). Not too shabby for a start-up working out of Benjamin’s apartment. Ever since then, its been success after success. We received a ton of press, a ton of awards, and never had to go searching for clients.

{ Robert Hodgin | Continue reading | Related: Flint C++ framework }
