
If de-elevator tries 2 bring u down go crazy


…walk around. First walk normally, with your arms swinging. Then try it with your arms folded. Finally, do it with your arms and legs on each side in phase, swinging forwards and back at the same time – a “tick-tocking” motion. (…)

If you have carried out this little experiment, then you will probably have noticed that the second and third ways of walking are more difficult. But why? The answer – as it is for many important questions in biomechanics – is more complicated than you might think. (…)

One might assume that we already know all about how the organs and whole bodies of organisms – particularly Homo sapiens – work. Movements and forces at the macroscopic scale are, after all, relatively straightforward to measure and subject only to the laws of classical physics. Moreover, the anatomy of our bodies has been mapped for hundreds of years compared with the 10 years for which we have had comprehensive guides to the human genome. Surprisingly, however, research by biomechanics – people who combine expertise in both biology and physics – continues to uncover and fill hitherto undreamed-of areas of our ignorance about ourselves.

{ Physics World | Continue reading }
